Michael Cheney's Millionaires Club

This Secret Money Club Has Turned Countless "Ordinary Joes" into Online Millionaires - Try It for FREE for 30 Days!

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Just $6.95 per Month AFTER 30 Days
(you can cancel before 30 days and pay nothing)

18th October 2024

From the Desk of Michael Cheney

Fellow Entrepreneur,

Michael Cheney in VegasWhen I first started in business over 20 years ago something helped me get to millionaire status, and then multi-millionaire status, FAST;

A proven system with simple steps to follow.

I started a group with some fellow entrepreneurs and we would regularly share our biggests successes and our biggest mistakes, and quickly developed a proven system we could all follow, step-by-step, directly to the money.

This is important.

Because it accelerates you to your desired outcome as fast as possible.

Learning from someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve puts your own sales-getting on steroids.

You are going to discover the biggest sales successes I have but also;

I will pull back the curtain and reveal my biggest bloopers and epic fails too.

You get to learn direct from the battlefield as I take all the hits and give you the prize without risking your own limbs!

Still Struggling to Make Money Online? Quit Doing That!

If you're still finding it hard to make money online, then you need to stop doing that and try something different.

Struggling to Make MoneyOne of the hardest things to do online is to actually find what works.

Many people are happy to talk about their successes and the amount of money they've made but;

They don't extend a hand down the ladder to help other people up.

They brag and then shame others for their lack of success.

But the problem actually goes deeper than this;

You need to know what works, but you also need to know what doesn't work.

Very few entrepreneurs are willing to share their failures, but I am one of them.

It wasn't always like this...

These Simple Steps Have Turned People into Millionaires and Can Do The Same for You...

When I started out in business over 20 years ago, I sucked at being an entrepreneur.

Bad EntrepreneurI thought I had all the answers.

I thought I knew everything.

I thought I could do this on my own.

Don't be like me.

I only got my breakthrough when I connected with people who were already successful.

I was lucky enough to be part of a group of other entrepreneurs, where we would regularly share our biggest successes and our biggest mistakes with each other.

This helped everyone in the group, accelerate to higher levels of income.

Now I'm going to do the same for you...

This Will Make You More Money (Or It's Free)

The secret strategies you discover inside the millionaire's club will make you more money.

This Will Make You MoneyIf you are not absolutely blown away, you don't have to pay me a thing.

In fact you can take it for a test drive for 30 days, totally for free.

Just dive into the members area, and start learning and taking action on things you learn.

I guarantee, as long as you take notes and take action, you will take home more money.

Here's why...

You're Getting Done-for-You, Money-Making Promos, Step-by-Step Cash-Creating Strategies and Personal Help from Me To Help You Succeed...

You're getting access to the latest strategies I am implementing RIGHT NOW in my business.

Best Money-Making TacticsYou won't discover these secrets anywhere else.

Not from me and not from anyone else.

When I do something which gets me EPIC SALES - you are going to discover what it was and how to copy it.

When I do something which fails spectacularly - you are going to learn what it was so you can avoid it.

In summary;

Don't Blame Me If You Double Your Income

You are getting everything laid bare for you.

Michael CheneyYou'll discover my biggest successes and also the epic sales I'm generating right now in my business.

You are getting to watch over my shoulder as I explode sales to the next level.

You get to copy everything I'm doing.

You also get to see the biggest mistakes that I've made in business, and the bloopers I continue to make, as I grow even more.

And trust me;

The mistakes or lessons will provide you with the most lucrative insights.

Now I'm not saying you are going to become a millionaire overnight with this.

That would be silly.

But let's indulge your imagination for a moment because...

Here's What It's Like to Live a Millionaire Lifestyle

People react differently when they get rich.

Michael CheneySome buy fast cars.

Some spend it on houses.

Some stuff it all in the bank.

And others still use it to live a lavish lifestyle.

I'm somewhere in between;

I don't really like "things" - I'm not a flashy person.

But I do like to live well.

The majority of the money I've made goes towards supporting my family's future.

And providing a financial fortress for my wife and I.

You really do sleep soundly when you have a couple of million dollars in the bank. 😉

The best part is not having to worry about money, it's no longer an issue.

Decisions are made on merit and what you want to do, rather than how much money you have available.

Money gives you freedom;

Freedom to choose.

Freedom to decide what is right for you.

And freedom to live the life you really want.

How will you spend the money you make?

Get access to this exclusive "secret money society"...

Michael Cheney's Millionaires Club

Michael Cheney's Millionaires Club

You're Getting DONE-FOR-YOU, Money-Making Promos and Cutting-Edge Money Secrets Not Revealed Anywhere Else...

Michael Cheney's Millionaires ClubYou're getting my most closely-guarded money methods straight from the horse's mouth.


When I do something which works you will be able to copy it for yourself.


When I do something which falls on its ass - you will hear about this too so you can avoid it.

From the latest software, brand new marketing strategies, hot trends and cutting-edge sales secrets you are getting it all.

Regular Video Insights Keep You Ahead of the Pack

Forget having to go through your own painful and time-wasting trial and error because;

I'm doing it all for you.

You're getting it all inside the Millionaires Club in easy-to-watch (and copy) video format.

Some of the biggest successes (and bloopers) I have ever made are already inside the Club waiting for you right now and more are being added on a regular basis.

You'll be learning directly from me as well as getting a unique perspective from someone working inside my organization too.

Michael Cheney & Mike Allen

Michael Cheney and his Head Trainer, Mike Allen

I have also given my Head Trainer - Mike Allen (see pic) - no holds barred, access all areas to my entire business he will also be revealing some behind-the-scenes strategies I'm currently using to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

FREE for 30 Days
Just $6.95 per Month AFTER 30 Days
(you can cancel before 30 days and pay nothing)

Here's What People Are Saying...

Ismael Testimonial

James Sancimino


"Michael, you are a genius, and I use that word rarely. Your friend and fan."

Mark Joyner
Multi-#1 Bestselling Author and Founder of Simpleology


"Michael literally handed me over a seven-figure blueprint.

He is the one person online that I can say without a shadow of a doubt is the REAL DEAL.

Someone who genuinely cares about his students' success.

To say this was worth it, is a major understatement.

It was a life changing decision."

Ben Martin
Columbus, Ohio, USA


"I wanted to work with a proven leader... and it made all the difference in the world. You have to find guys who have what you want and know what you need to know. Michael is one of those guys."

Eric Green
West Virginia, USA

Tony Simms Testimonial

"People often ask me what is the best investment I made in my online business and one of them that I always reply with is when I invested with Michael Cheney.

Anything Michael teaches is proven to work due to his 20 years of knowledge in the Internet Marketing space.

I always take note when Michael has something new to share with us..."

Paul O'Keeffe
Bangkok, Thailand

"I’ve worked with Kern, Carlton, Kennedy and Deiss but there’s always something missing. So I decided to work with Michael and fill in the gaps - the puzzle pieces. It worked."

John Crosbie
Ohio, USA

"The one word that comes to mind when I think about Michael Cheney is integrity.

Being one of the founding fathers of Internet Marketing as we know it today - he knows the business inside out.

He went beyond the call of duty when helping me create and launch my very first info product...

Yet, his integrity is what sets him apart.

Michael is the real deal!"

Dr. Iva Embley
Denton, Texas, USA

"I went from struggling to daily success without spending any money on ads or having to build a huge list."

Naidy Phoon
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

"I am blown away with everything that’s happened in my life since I started training with you.

And it happened so fast!

You want them to succeed just as badly as they want to succeed.

You truly care about your customers.

I’ve struggled for years and literally within a very short time of maybe 6 weeks, a month, I started seeing huge differences in my actions, in my business, in the way I felt and everything.

We decided to make the big move all the way over to Hawaii.

That is absolutely amazing.

I spent almost six years trying this and you managed to pull it out of me so I could figure it out in a couple of months.

Thank you thank you thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me."

Shannon Satovich
Kihei, Hawaii, USA

"What Michael's doing is really simple.

He didn't hold anything back - really sincere and authentic.

He has a whole lot of experience and sometimes you need someone like Michael to point you the way.

I really love what he's doing now.

This is practical and implementable."

Marlon Sanders
San Antonio, Texas, USA

YES, Michael! Please Give Me Instant Access to the CONTENT EMPIRE

YES, Michael! I Want Instant Access to Your Millionaires Club

YES. I am ready to finally start making money online with the done-for-you promos, and simple step-by-step intstructions

YES. I am excited to learn all these secret money-getting strategies inside the Millionaires Club

YES. I realize I can try out the Millionaires Club for 30 days totally for free

YES. Please give me the best money-making tactics and powerful lessons to help me explode my business

YES. I pay nothing today and will only be billed the low monthly amount of just $6.95 after 30-days if I am absolutely blown away by The Millionaires Club

Michael Cheney's Millionaires Club

FREE for 30 Days
Just $6.95 per Month AFTER 30 Days
(you can cancel before 30 days and pay nothing)

  • q-iconQ. Does this work?

    Yes. The money secrets inside The Millionaires Club will take your business to the next level.

    As long as you apply what you learn.

    Don’t blame me if you double your income.

  • q-iconQ. I already have some of your products, should I buy this?

    Yes. This is truly a MUST-BUY for everyone.

    You are getting new and exclusive money secrets added to the members area regularly for your delight.

    These are not revealed anywhere else.

    They will catapult you to new income heights, or you pay nothing.

  • q-iconQ. Do I get access to all the money secrets forever inside a members area?

    Yes. As long as you remain an active subscriber.

    I’m adding brand new secrets every single month;

    My biggest successes and my most-embarassing failures.

    You make money either way.

    Use The Millionaires Club as your money resource and refer back to it whenever you need to get more money.

    It’s that simple.

  • q-iconQ. Is there a guarantee?

    Yes. I guarantee you will make more money with this or you pay nada.

    You can take a sneaky peek inside for free – no money down today.

    Take 30 days to judge for yourself.

    If you don’t like what you see (some people hate money) then just let me know and you will not be charged.

    No harm, no foul.

    I won’t come knocking on your little house made from Ramen noodles to demand an explanation.

  • q-iconQ. Can I do this without buying anything else?

    Yes. If you’re a cheapskate who wants to try and start a business on a shoestring and take 50 years to achieve success.


    If you have a few bucks available (sell one of your kids) I’ll show you the cheapest, and sometimes free, methods to turn a quick profit and get a fast return.

  • q-iconQ. Should I buy this?

    Yes. Firstly – it’s no money down. You can just try it out and pay nothing for the first 30 days.

    And I’m not trying to trap you like some of the bozos out there either.

    You can cancel whenever you want.

    Jump ship and leave behind these millionaire-secrets forever if you want – just let me know before the 30-day trial period, and you pay zippo.

    No hard feelings.

    Get free access to these life-changing money secrets today.

YES, Michael! Please Give Me Instant Access to the CONTENT EMPIRE

YES, Michael! I Want Instant Access to Your Millionaires Club

YES. I am ready to finally start making money online with the done-for-you promos, and simple step-by-step intstructions

YES. I am excited to learn all these secret money-getting strategies inside the Millionaires Club

YES. I realize I can try out the Millionaires Club for 30 days totally for free

YES. Please give me the best money-making tactics and powerful lessons to help me explode my business

YES. I pay nothing today and will only be billed the low monthly amount of just $6.95 after 30-days if I am absolutely blown away by The Millionaires Club

Michael Cheney's Millionaires Club

FREE for 30 Days
Just $6.95 per Month AFTER 30 Days
(you can cancel before 30 days and pay nothing)

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